The Massenbach Bickel Book - in englischer Sprache
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The Massenbach Bickel Book
Autor:Gerhard Bickel
PLZ / Land: / Deutschland
Umfang:428 Seiten
Format:203 x 203 mm Hardcover

My ancestors come from Massenbach, which is today a district of Schwaigern. Our progenitor, Johannes Pauli Bickel, was born in Massenbach in 1618. His ancestors are said to come from Massenbachhausen, but I doubt this at the moment. So far I could not find any evidence for the existence of an Andreas Bickel and Jakob Bickel (Büchel) in Massenbachhausen. Investigations are difficult, because the corresponding church books were damaged by fire during the 30 years war.
Johannes Pauli Bickel (*1618 in Massenbach) is also said to be descended from Paul Bickel who came to Massenbach from an unknown place. The middle name of Johannes "Pauli" could be a hint to a father named Paul.
The founder of the Bickel line Richen was a farmhand by name of Christoph Bickel (*1734), who moved from Massenbach (at that time belonging to the knight canton Kraichgau) to Richen and took up residence with a widow Klaer. The widow soon became pregnant and married Christoph in 1760. On 1.1.1760 Philipp Adam was born, who learned the profession of a linen weaver.
Some genealogists were convinced for a long time that the executioners named Bickel coming from Neuenstadt near Heilbronn were descended from our ancestor Antoni from Massenbach. This is not true. Johann Christoph Bickel (*1684) was not born in Massenbach, but in Neuen-stadt, as son of Hans Peter Bickel, born around 1652 supposedly in Neuenstadt/Heilbronn. Hans Peter was married to Anna Catharina Gentner, who descended from the executioner family Gentner from Schwäbisch Hall (see "Remseck - Die Ortsgeschichte von Neckarrems", author Gerhard Bickel, ("The pastor's daughter and the executioner").
In the 18th and 19th centuries, several Bickel families emigrated to the then British colony of Pennsylva-nia. A descendant of the Massenbach emigrant Joh. Christoph Bickel (*1682) was the popular film actor and Oscar winner Ernest Frederick McIntyre Bickel (stage name Fredric March). He was born on Aug. 31, 1897, in Racine, Wisconsin, and died on April 14, 1975, in Los Angeles. He was married to the actress Florence Eldridge.
Another emigrant, Johann Friedrich (*1723) was a weaver by profession. He also settled in Pennsylvania. His son Jakob and his grandchildren had numerous descendants.
The descendants were participants in all wars on the American continent in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. In the Civil War (1861-1865), Bickel descendants participated on both sides and may have unknowingly fired on each other.
In the I. and II. World War I and II also involved numerous Bickel descendants who were convicted Americans, such as Willard M. Bickel of Pottstown/Montgomery County/Pennsylvania. Willard was also a descendant of Johann Christoph Bickel (*1682 in Massenbach).
Massenbachhausen and Massenbach were part of the Electoral Palatinate (Rhenish Palatinate or Palatinate at Rhine) until 1803. The residence city was Heidelberg, later (1720) Mannheim. The Electoral Palatine rulers were the Palgraves near the Rhine. Elector Ruprecht III became German king, and the Electoral Palatinate became the leading Protestant power in the empire. Elector Frederick V even reached for the Bohemian royal crown, but he did not succeed. After the Thirty Years' War, the Electoral Palatinate lost much of its importance due to the Peace of Westphalia.
Massenbach is located about two kilometers north of Schwaigern. The village was first men-tioned in a document in the Lorsch Codex in 773, when an Icho donated properties. The name of Massenbach is probably derived from the personal names Masso, Massim or Mechtswint. Massim or Mechtswint, the wife of Urolf donated various properties in the Gartachgau to the Lorsch Monastery in 766 and 774.
Of the lords of Massenbach, who were ministerials of the Staufers, a Warmunt of Massenbach appears in the Hirsau Codex in 1160. In 1431 the village came into the possession of the Pala-tine Counts of the Rhine. Apart from the Lords of Massenbach, the Lords of Gemmingen also owned parts of the village. The lords of Massenbach joined the imperial knighthood in the 16th century, whereby Massenbach became part of the knightly canton of Kraichgau.
During the Thirty Years' War, the population of Massenbach was massacred by imperial troops in 1622. Those who could fled into the woods due to the church dispute. In 1642 there are again 3
men, 1 woman and 16 malters of fruit in Massenbach. It was counted as early as again, where there was something to get. 1670 the number of inhabitants was 32 persons.
In 1770 the nobility in Massenbach was changed because they were not clerically faithful. The citizens were denied firewood for the winter. The emperor ordered 70 soldiers to Massenbach to force the citizens to be faithful to the church. The citizens had to pay 8000 gold florins to the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire for this action.
The village was repeatedly ravaged by marauding soldiers (Palatine War of Succession, French invasions, etc.). It was also not spared from the pest. At the beginning of 1806 Massenbach became part of Baden due to the Mediatization, and of Württemberg due to the state treaties of the end of 1806. In the middle of the 19th century Massenbach had just over 1000 inhabitants. Towards the end of the 19th century the number of inhabitants was halved again due to emigration. Among these emigrants were also members of the Bickel family, who moved mainly to the USA.


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Hersteller:CARDAMINA Verlag Susanne Breuel
Anschrift:An der Moselbrücke 1, 56068 Koblenz, Deutschland
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